May 24, 2006

The Death of Travel Agents?

On April 17th, 2006 the American Society of Travel Agents released a summary of a new Technology and Marketing Report which showed that the traditional travel professional spends an average of 17 hours per week on the Web searching on behalf of their clients. As part of my effort with the Fetch collaborative travel planning tool, I’ve done presentations and […]
May 23, 2006

Update on Fetch Technologies Spin-off

I wanted to provide my readers an update on my efforts with Fetch Technologies and the “Travelsmart” (actual name TBD) tool. As I mentioned in an earlier blog entry, the Travelsmart tool allows consumers to collect, organize and share travel planning and booking content across all major travel Websites. Recently the last capability of sharing has been expanded to emphasize […]
May 16, 2006

Excellent Article on Web 2.0

I would suggest my readers check out this article by Tim O’Reilly. Though it is a bit dated (09/30/2005) it does a great job of describing Web 2.0. Mr. O’Reilly’s detailed analysis of the changes a foot in content and design is at he heart of new Web pages by Yahoo! (go to the new design page). Online travel has […]
May 12, 2006

New Mobile article on GDX

As most of you know in addition to my own consulting practice I work as an analyst for PhoCusWright. I recently completed a GDX article on “Using Mobile Location-Based Services to Enhance the Travel Experience”. The article discusses an evolving, more open mobile architecture which can enable travel companies to work more actively with the telecom carriers to deploy travel […]
May 5, 2006

Air Canada and Alternative Distribution

Early this week Air Canada announced that no-frills Tango fares would be available exclusively through, not through any of the GDS. This announcement is very significant in terms of the evolving world of travel distribution as well as the ongoing debate of GDS vs GNE. From a supplier’s perspective distribution must provide low cost (something very clear to everyone […]
May 1, 2006

User Generated Content – Web 2.0

In recent PhoCusWright FYI pieces written by Cathy Schetzina, Direction of Information Services and Bob Offutt, Technology Analyst as well as an earlier piece written by John Bray, Vice President of Advisory Services, the authors describe a second generation Web 2.0 environment based on user generated content. I am in complete agreement with my colleagues at PhoCusWright on this issue […]